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¡Viva Vaughan! - Sarah Vaughan

Another great voice in the collection! Sarah Vaughan with a latin swing? That could be fantastic.

Sarah Vaughan is a personal favorite in my own collection, but this record is new to me (Mercury, Netherlands). The titel sounds energetic and Sarah has such a powerful, warm voice that this can only be wonderful. Although Sarah is still there, the muscial accompaniment is rather flat. The rhythm gives a swing to it, but I am not blown away as I had hoped. Some digging provides the insights that this is the first album conducted by Frank Foster, former Count Basie sideman. Perhaps he needed more practice to stand his

ground against the firm personality of Sarah? Rumour has it she was always pushing herself, where others would have reached the top already at her starting level. She made changes to the music score or the song text, nothing would remain untouched. This way of working influenced the musicality if this album heavily, but it does not convince me yet. I'll be looking for a more powerful Sarah Vaughan record.

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