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The Fabulous Eartha Kitt

Her voice is so recognisable and makes me smile from the first two notes. What will she bring now?

This multi-talented woman has been able to show us a little of all the can do. I am sure there is still more, so everytime I come across one of her records I am curious what I will discover now. Again she sings in at least 5 languages and if I may believe the back of the sleeve she can speak even 9 languages. So easy, relaxed, sometimes a little raw edge, other tracks sweet and soft. I admire people who can channel both their troubles and happy times into songs and lyrics.

When you want to pay attention you can hear the life experiences flowing through the music, but if you are not in the mood for that the tracks are just as pleasant and inspiring to listen to. She is a woman to look at and listen to. Writing about her does not capture the full picture. This record (Kapp Records, KL-1162, 1959) is surprising in twists and differences between the tracks. And thereby confirming what I hoped and expected. A true mix that can only be sung so eloquently by Eartha Kitt.

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