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Row, fisherman, row...

Bijgewerkt op: 12 dec. 2020

Sometimes you take a record out ofthe line of music to be discovered and you get an instant smile on your face. Do you recognise this moment? Slight excitement that exactly this record came out, anticipation on what will come, while knowing it will be great. That's what happened to me when I pulled out the Heart of the Congos with its strange voodoo-like picture on the front. This promised to be a full hour (2LP) of Jamaican sounds and beautiful voices. This was exactly what I needed.

It took me a few weeks after launching the first blogs to get back at my laptop to write again about music and memories. I started this project as a discovery for myself and to share wonderfull finds and love for mysic from my father, but often enough I am reminded that grief cannot be planned nor forced. Most of all, grief should not forced. Then, when I put this record from The Congos on my Triotrack recordplayer and the first sounds floated into the room, I knew not sharing was no option. Row... fisherman, row... let the Jamaican vibe and African roots lead you through this ever wonderful 2LP from 1977 (Blood and fire limited, 1996).

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