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  • Foto van schrijverlinde.esk

Roha Dansorkest - BUSCAR

And searching we have been. Or I at least. But never too late to start again and today is the day. So I walked to one of the cubboards with records and picked the first 3. Although this one was the third in the row I decided to start with it. BUSCAR means searching in spanish so it can hardly be more applicable. Additionally the sleeve made me smile :) While BUSCAR means to search, it also refers to a bus-vehicle, as depicted on the sleeve. Never heard of the Roha Dansorkest and not sure whether it would be influenced by the Spanish title but the bright yellow colour promised some excitement.

And it delivers! It starts right away with a swinging instrumental track. Influences from Caribbean and around sounds through the whole album. The second track on side A is more poetic about a woman whose life started of wonderful - she had is all - but ended up in the gutter. No necessarily a happy song for the Friday morning, but there is no educational sound to it, more like a sketch.

The rest of the album mainly displays the musical skills of the orchestra while playing tunes which make it difficult not to move. You can hear they had lots of fun recording this and also while performing on stage as there are two live recordings on side B. All in all a funny light distraction from everyday hassle to put a smile on your face.

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