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Pop Yeh Yeh: Psychedelic Rock From Singapore And Malaysia 1964-1970 Vol. 1

Pop Yeh Yeh, the name sounds familiar, the sleeve also rings a bell, but when I put on the record it is nothing like I expected.

The British pop rock influence is clearly present, but the Asian accent gives it a completely different sound. Very interesting to read more about the back ground of Pop Yeh Yeh and the compilation of this album. But is it really my kind of music? It does make me smile, and that is often a positive sign :) Either I have to smile because of cheerful music, a musical joke, or a song which is just not off tune. The last one just happened. One of the songs has this Malaysian tune and pitch which makes sense but sounds to Western ears like it will fly out of bend any minute now. But they manage to keep all in line and continue for 2LP! Not sure whether I am a new fan, but I am not discouraged yet...

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