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McCartney - Paul McCartney

Bijgewerkt op: 12 dec. 2020

Is this Paul McCartney's masterpiece? Probably not. Is it pure (delight)? Absolutely.

No one would doubt the musical skills of The Beatles, together as well as individually. But this record of which the songs were recorded mostly at home, without advanced techniques from the studio, show the talent McCartney has. During a time in which life did not go as he wanted and he was looking for a way out, he recorded the songs portraying a variety of moods.

Upon release by Apple Records (1970) critics said that songs were not finished and recording quality could be better. It can all be true, but this album is pure and real.

The pictures taken by Linda McCartney add to that feeling. It hints at the idea of going back home and finding yourself again. Not that you would have found yourself at the end of side B but at least you have spent some time thinking it over.

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Oct 21, 2020

hoi linde, dank voor je bericht. leuk om iets te horen. stoer dat je steeds met de muziek beig bent. gaat het goed met je? hoor graag van je. ik zat veilig in portugal en ben nu al weer 2 weken thuis.

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