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  • Foto van schrijverlinde.esk

Laja eta landakanda

Two men are resting on the large roots of an enormous tree, somewhere on top of a hill as you can vaguely see a valley in the distance. The accordeon and tambourin at their feet give away that this record will - as to be expected with such a picture - go back to the roots.

To the Basque roots to be exact. And you'll be surprised how this album turns out to be quite different from the previous two! At least I am surprised. Is it still folklore and a whole album is maybe a bit much, but this one is more like music you here in a pub. It is not (at least to me) necessarily related to a specific traditional dance, it is traditional music with some singing at times to which you could dance. Like they are inviting you to the dance floor to jump around and enjoy yourselves. The accordeon takes the lead in every track and does so very well.

Again, as with the first Basque album I listened to, it makes me smile. The first track sounds like spring is upon us and we should all go out to the fields. There is even some sort of yodelling, but than a Basque version. This is definitely one to consider to keep!

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