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Herriko Musika - v/a

So I entered a section with folk music this time. The word Herriko did make me think of Greece at first but that was not right of course. This album is full of Basq sounds.

There are these songs or performers which makes you smile in an instant. Right from the first note you cannot help it but smile. This album is one like that. However, there are different kinds of smiles: a smile knowing this will be great, a smile of recognition, a smile of childish play, even a smile of agony. Today it is a crooked smile followed by a full laughter expressing "is this really happening?". Typical folk music comes from the speakers. With a high pitched female voice singing like her life depends on it. I had no idea what to expect but if I had not known the origin of this song I would have confused it with somewhat Irish, although it sounds a bit different. I am not an expert in either though, so don't blame me for this - almost - mistake. I will study further on side b. A piccolo-like flute as depicted in the cover is heard throughout the album. Singing does not come back like the first song however. I just want to capture that light smiling feeling when the first tunes were sung. The rest of the album is to sharp and instrumental for my hearing. Nevertheless, I might get used to it as I expect more of this kind of surprises in the folklore-section.

Diska Hau Movieplay eta Kardantxa - Ko Produkzio Bat DA - (P) 1977, Movieplay, made in Spain

Herriko Musika - 17.0912/2

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