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Gruppo Sportivo - Back to 78

More familiar albums! But this time because I have this one in my own collection already. Are you ready...?

Dutch punk rock or post-punk vibe which just makes you wanna move, sing, jump, dance! This is their second album (from 1978) but actually also the only one - I think - I know. Not that I researched this band before so it does not guarantee more recognition along the way. So many times my father used to put on an album and I would know every track, but I never got the name of the artist. Often I did see the cover of the album so I could relate the cover design to the music. Especially when I was 'helping' in the shop, there was always a small display for the album you were hearing over the speakers. I always wanted to be in charge of searching for the record or CD-case when my father put on a new one.

I think this album was among those as it turns out every song is so familiar. Even though I was born a bit later, I am now back in 78.

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