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Crosseyed Heart - Keith Richards

Bijgewerkt op: 12 dec. 2020

Bluesrock with beautiful gitar sounds and slides fascinates you till the last second.

The relaxed, lightly rough voice of Keith Richards takes you along this 2LP record Crosseyed Heart (Mindless Records 2015). The gitar slides often seek the edge of what sound could still be consisered 'pretty' which makes you alert all the time whether they played the music wrongly on purpose of whether your record player has gone crazy. Neither is correct though. There are no 'wrong' sounds in music. At most you can lay another tone than written on your sheet music. I doubt that was the case on this album. It's blues, it's ballads, it's acoustic, it's electic. It just rocks.

This is the third solo album from Keith Richards. Always when I see his face I have to think of his role in Pirates of the Caribbean. The atmosphere on this record - as far as you can actually feel an atmosphere from a disc of vinyl (but I believe you can) - is relaxed but controlled at the same time, telling a story while having fun (or actually the other way around), ignoring musical lessons learned in the past while not being able to forget these lessons at the same time, as that is what made Keith and his 'gifted frends' the all time musicians they are. So don't settle for a straight forward album, but open your musical heart and surrender to this bluesrock enigma.

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