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Blues from elsewhere - Koby Israelite

Ready to be confused? Let's spin the record from Koby Israelite!

Before starting to write about the LP collection from my father I remember pulling this record out (Asphalt Tango Records GmbH 2013). After listening to it, I put it back. I had no clue what I was listening to, which is not a problem in itself. I just did not know how to grasp is. I love klezmer, I very fond of rock, and a softie for original blues. But what is happening here? It goes from left to right, or from East to West I might better say. It is genius, skilled, difficult, interesting, annoying, triggering, challenging. The balkan sound in the background in various tracks is amazing, and comes back several times. Sometimes overpowered by some rocky notes, but working it's way back to the front. It creates an artistic mixture of musical sounds, vibes, rhythms and instruments. For that matter, despite the Dutch expression of 'iets aan de wilgen hangen', the accordeon on this record is very present. So Koby, please get your instruments out of the willow tree and keep playing!

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